The American Monty Roberts, creator of Doma Gentil for wild horses, is a prominent presence at the great Cowboy Party in Barretos-SP.

The American Monty Roberts, creator of Doma Gentil for wild horses, is a prominent presence at the great Cowboy Party in Barretos-SP.

Marvin Earl Roberts, the American and the man, who revolutionized horse taming and later became famous all over the world, visited the rodeo capital of Brazil, at the great rodeo cowboy party in this historic town of Barretos in the State of São Paulo.. Known worldwide as Monty Roberts, he presented his gentle taming method at the Barretos horse riding park, and also promoted a clinic open to visitors and event participants and granted a long time autographing his book from him, which can now be Purchased at the on-site shop. showing great preparation and self-control, the author and creator of the innovative method of taming horses, at 88 years of age, does not seem to be his age, but he is full of capacity, acquired since he was a teenager when he lived with his father, who was also a horse tamer, but used brutal methods to carry out work with animals. In Roberts' conception, according to his words from him, “All the work begins attentively, with a lot of respect and achievement so that the horse accepts its presence, abandoning the wild instinct and wanting to do what is suggested, and when it does, we show it how. it was good he wanted to do it, so for the rest of his life he won't want to hurt anyone. But if you start his life with violence, someday he'll want to fight too”, The story of Monty Roberts inspired the main character of the movie "The Horse Whisperer", played by actor Robert Redford. His gentle and non-violent method also caught the attention of a great horse lover, Queen Elizabeth II, and led to the book "The man who listens to horses", the author's autobiography, released in 1996. In the book, he shares his experience and talks about your personal history, including your relationship with your father. explains Roberts. For Monty Roberts, it is possible to promote a better understanding and relationship between humans and horses. “All horses are different, some take longer than others, but all over the world, throughout history, it takes 4 to 6 weeks of work to break a horse violently, with my method I have a rider on a Horse in an average of 30 minutes, because the horses want to, not because they are provoked to it”, highlights the tamer. After demonstrating gentle taming to the audience, the American author held an autograph session for his book at the Equestrian Park in Parque do Peão. The written work is for sale at the event's souvenir shop. Still fulfilling commitments at the Barretos Cowboy Party, this Thursday, August 24, Monty Roberts will perform at the Arena of Estádio de Rodeios showing a little more of his method of Doma Gentil with wild horses.

